Deqode’s blockchain survey 2019, which comprised of 158 executives interested in blockchain and working in different industry verticals, gives a substantial understanding of where blockchain is headed. The executives reviewed hold functional perspectives and look ready to make some real moves throughout the following year. Also, as you’ll see, those included in survey 2019 see an extraordinary incentive in blockchain’s capability to reinvent processes over the business value chain. Further, we see industries getting more and more acquainted with the nuances of the technology, which has helped them to shape a value-based blockchain strategy.

Methodology statement

Deqode commissioned the blockchain survey 2019 in early February primarily as an internal research vehicle to gain greater insights into the overall attitudes and investments in blockchain as a technology in the near future. Blockchain survey 2019 reflects the same opinions and perceptions around blockchain and its potential impact in the near future.

The information published in this report provides a brief overview of a subset of the overall data and insights. For questions or more information about the survey and its findings, please contact us.

Organizations’ primary operations (by industry)

Survey respondents hail from 7 different industries—the majority from financial services and healthcare

  • In which industry does the organization you work for primarily operate?

Organizations’ positions on understanding of blockchain technology

Many industry executives consider their knowledge of blockchain technology to be in the Excellent to Expert range. A majority of respondents rated their knowledge base on blockchain as 3 on a scale of 5.

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your organization’s blockchain knowledge?

Organizations’ position on developing a use case

The overwhelming majority of respondents claims that they have a viable blockchain use case.

  • Do you believe your industry has a viable blockchain use-case?

Organizations’ position on implementing a blockchain

A whopping, 78% of respondents believe that it’s time for them to start implementing blockchain technology.

  • Do you believe 2019 should be the year your company should start implementing blockchain technology?

Organizations’ positions on reaping blockchain’s benefits

  • When you do see blockchain’s benefits being reaped?


Deqode’s blockchain survey 2019 clearly identifies this year as an ideal time for the companies to invest in the blockchain, to reap the technology’s benefits in 2020. Companies should start shaping their blockchain strategies now in order to get ahead of the curve.

For more information on this survey, contact the author, or drop us your email here.


A data analyst who is interested in artificial intelligence and data science. Oversees ETL operations at Deqode.

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