If we visit a job recruiting website, we see that the job title “Front-end developer” is widely required. But what’s that job precisely? What should we know before we start trying it? All of these questions will in one way or another lead you to a framework called ReactJS.

HTML/CSS to React is a journey every frontend developer remembers precisely and to shed some light on that, we sat together with Kapil Ganu and Shreya Desai, senior frontend developers at Deqode. This episode revolves around ReactJS, its multiple libraries, and the significance of Material UI Bootstrap from start to finish. And much more!

You will learn what it is to be a frontend developer in this time and age with many technical aspects of the framework to set you up for a perfect start for your journey.

Tune in to get more insights about everything frontend.

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March 22, 2023

5. Rounding up React | With Kapil Ganu and Shreya Desai

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